Here is a second post dedicated to installations… You can read the first part here.
This post showcases installations where light plays its part or is the main focus.


Students from the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich – The Third Space

This is another place where I would like to spend some time. A cocoon made out of a million cable ties…

Visitors can sit down in cocoon-like bird’s nests, stand under a shower of light, and experience this 200 square meters small world, that tries to translate sociological terms like self-portrayal, community and retreat into tangible spatial situations”.


Bruce Monro – Field of light

“Field of Light is an alien installation in the midst of nature. And like dry desert seeds lying in wait for the rain, the sculpture’s fibre optic stems lie dormant until darkness falls, and then under a blazing blanket of stars they flower with gentle rhythms of light.”


Chris Drury – Mushroom Cloud

As primary regenerators of soil in nature, but also poisonous agents of death, mushrooms are a metaphor for the cycle of destruction and regeneration in the environment. From mushroom spore prints to a sculpture that takes the form of a nuclear mushroom cloud, and a multiple video works that explore cloud-like properties of smoke and water, Drury makes visible the subtle connections between art and environment.”