Cattails in the snowstorm – January’s wallpaper
It’s a bit late, but here is January’s wallpaper! This a detail of the wallpaper. 2560_1440.jpg, 1920_1080.jpg, 1680_1050.jpg, 1440_900.jpg, 1280_1024.jpg, 1204_1024.jpg There was a beautiful snowstorm just after Christmas. Snowshoeing while all that snow...
Blue, two
Acrylic on pebbles *** Acrylique sur galets In the new batch of pebbles can be found these nice “split” rocks. A natural white line separates the pebble in two or more parts. It made me think of the horizon line, or a cut view of the ground, above and...
Pastel on stone Trying to start the week nice and slow, just like my friend here. :-)
First pebbles
Pastel on stone Acrylic on stone Here are the first painted stones of the new batch. It’s already been a year since I have done this so I felt the need to use two techniques that have given interesting results on stone. The first one is the spirit of these and...
Three things that made me happy last week
1. I finally received my copy of the book Drawing and Painting Imaginary Animals! The first one got lost in the mail. I love it and can’t wait to try the “Creatures on wood” and the artist’s book projects. 1. J’ai finalement reçu ma copie...
*Mostly Grey*
When comes March, I will probably say “I am so fed up with it!” but for now, I’m in love with snow. Happy, Happy, Happy! It is our first winter here and it promises to be good. No brown slush, only white and grey fluffy snow. No grumpy city people,...
A Benefit!
Acrylic on stone Pastel on stone I have been asked to participate to a benefit for the Haiti children this Thursday night in Montreal. I am really excited! This is a great cause and a lot of people are expected to attend. I will have a stand with painted pebbles (you...
Come with me, to the sea
Pastel on stone Some of the pebbles I painted during the weekend. Whales and turtles seemed appropriate for these stones. pRiyA sent me this most interesting link in response to last Friday’s post on mushrooms. The photos on this site take a long time to upload...
More for the weekend
More painted pebbles, very tiny ones. I have a lot to do in Montreal this weekend, but I intend to paint more of these during my breaks. And see this while in town… And Nicolas found a Matsutake, his first one! Have a good...
The bottom of the bag of pebbles is starting to show, they went by so fast! I am finding ways to let the texture and color of the stones peak trough the drawings. I think my favourite medium up to now is the pastel. It just works so well on the grainy surface of the...